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Streamlining Transport Needs While Also Creating Growth in New Markets in Europe


Decentralised warehouse in order to achieve greater volume on outbound transport through our distributors.

From small parcels to large parcels

After many years as a supplier to different countries’ armed forces, we find that our REAL Turmat and REAL Field Meal brands have really gained attention. Demand is very high from small and large retailers across Europe. Of course, it is not sustainable over time to transport relatively small parcels of goods from Tromsø to the markets further south. Therefore, we must keep transport needs down to a reasonable level. We now send containers full of REAL products straight to central warehouses belonging to the largest chains, thereby significantly reducing our transport needs.

A short distance to reach the world.
Here in the north, in Arctic Tromsø, we are at times quite far from several key market areas in Europe. Therefore, it is very important for us to keep our focus on reducing transport needs. Over time, our investments have generated significant growth for the REAL brand in the European market. To further reduce transport needs, we have established a central warehouse in Sweden that handles much of our product exports. In addition, we collaborate with distributors in certain markets who are also good logistics partners with available storage capacity. In this way, our products are much closer to the different markets and we avoid having to send many small shipments all the way from Tromsø in the north.

We work purposefully with our established, faithful sales channels to ensure good distribution, while keeping our own transport needs at the lowest possible level. Together, we work to ensure available REAL products close to our markets in a sustainable manner.